Why You Should Learn To Like Your Big Head.

Big Heads

I remember when Big 'Ead used to be a rather insulting or maybe endearing term for somebody who knew everything or thought that they knew everything.(also referred to as a know all!)Whatever the size of your head, and if it is big you should learn to like it.

Just recently after a mix up of hats, I realised that there are quite a few bigger heads out there in this world. Like everything else in our lives ,size is important. So would any variation in the size of the human head make any difference to the size of our brains

as we grow older.

A Big Head

Is there a connection with the size of your head and the size of your brain,If you have a larger than average head, mean you have a larger brain?

Those with a large head may be cheered in the knowledge that in a recent neurology survey at the Technical University of Munich.In a study of 280 people with Alzhiemer's , it was discovered that those people with the largest heads came out on top after research into their memory and thinking skills.

Brain Reserve

Experts and study leaders believe this reinforces their theories on brain reserve.The thinking is that a bigger brain may provide more protection against any relative decline as we get older. Brain growth is largely due to our genetic make up, but it can also be influenced by any infections and your diet.

There is also an easy and effective way we can look after our brains as we get older, exercise and fresh air will improve blood flow and counteract any shrinkage of the brain.

Your Head Size


the average head size for an adult male is around 56cm, and for an adult female it is 54.5cm, and the largest human head size is taken to be 65cm and 50cm is consirdered to be a small head size.Generally your head size only varies 2cm either side of average.

Hat size

British and American hat sizes are measured using the imperial system starting at 6 5/8"(small) rising to 77/8"(large).In the US you can add1/8" to these sizes.

Using the metric system your hat size can generally considered to be:

  • 54/55cm- small
  • 56/57cm- medium
  • 58/59cm- large
  • 60/61cm- extra large
  • 62/63cm- xx large
  • 64/65cm- xxx large

Another thing to consider is the proportion of your head to the rest of your body.


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Article Written By ronaldoh

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Last updated on 30-07-2016 4K 0

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