Will A Cold Bath Help You Lose Weight?

 A Cold Bath

Why would any body want to take a cold bath? Most of us look forward to a nice warm bath at the end of the day, it is the perfect way to relax and unwind after a hard days work.

Well why would a cold bath be good for you? It seems that taking a cold bath may help you lose weight.

Brown Fat

Losing weight has now become a science, and some scientists believe brown fat is essential to losing weight.

What is brown fat?-Brown fat produces heat and burns calories, when we are born we have more brown fat to keep us warm and protect vital organs. it diminishes as we grow older but the brown fat burns calories quicker than white fat.

 A Morning Bath

Taking a morning bath at around 15c encourages your body to burn any fat that is stored in your body as it is making an effort to stay warm. the cold water is activating your brown fat and burning extra calories as your body is wanting to stay at its normal body temperature.

The cold bath can also boost your metabolism by around 80% as you are using up calories at a far quicker rate than normal.

Ice Baths

Ice baths are not for the faint hearted and most people would not find it pleasurable at all.You could build up to it by taking cooler baths and cold showers.

The ice bath will burn extra calories and again increase you metabolic rate, how long it will last is debatable and you have to consider if it worth putting your body through the extremity.

Is A Cold Bath Good For You?

Well it looks as if there is some evidence that a cod bath and ice baths may help you to lose weight. At least taking your baths are free and it is easy to administer.

It seems much of the scientific research is in its early stages, and it may take some time to notice your weight loss.


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Article Written by ronaldoh

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